Photo Gallery

Crooked Teeth - 18/7/24

Photos from the music video, by Stefan Lakselvhaug.

Photoshoot by Maya Whittaker (@shotbymaw on IG)

Gig - 27/6/24

photos 1&2 by @imposterwithacamera, 3,4,5&6 by @shotbymaw (IG)

2ube Extra - 26/4/24

photos by @joebhard (IG)

My Secret Friend - 23/12/23

Photos from the music video, photos by Madalin Parks.

Behind the scenes of the My Secret Friend cover art. Photos by Rohan Kapoor, @rohhaaan.k on IG

Photoshoot with Maddie, winter 23'

Polaroids from Maddie, in summer 22'

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