welcome to my blog!

July 24th 2024

My first blog, yay! Crooked teeth is going to be out once this site is announced. I am so excited for everyone to see the music video I have been working on. It’s been an idea for months so it’s so wonderful to have it finally come to life!

I have been working on this site for the past couple of months but CSS kicks my ass a bit so it took longer than expected hahahaha. I kind of still don’t completely know what I’m doing so apologies if u come across some imperfections on when exploring it. There is so much I want to do with this site but I need to be patient with myself, I will make sure to update if anything new or exciting appears here.

[about crooked teeth] I originally released this song when I was 17, when I first wanted to start up casual blood service (but then I kind of neglected it for a bit when I first started college haha). Then I felt embarrassed about it for a while, and kind of just all of the music I was making tbh. I’m glad I got over it, and releasing this has helped as well. I knew I wanted to release it after My Secret Friend because those two were the two songs that made me want to start Casual Blood Service and felt like ‘casual blood service’ songs to me. If you remember the old version, I still have it up on my band camp and the old music video is here . The music video imagery came to me in a dream , specifically the second half of the song. The new version isn’t completely different, just a bit more refined and more accurate to my relationship with the song currently. Shout out to eden for giving me my tascam 4-track for my bday bc that’s what most of the song was recorded on.

Crooked Teeth has always been a transformative song for me, which is why it is so special to me although it is quite short and simple. Although I wrote it abt an incel originally (lolollolol) it now feels like a love letter to myself and my own insecurity surrounding my teeth.

Special shout-out to Stefan, Maya & Raye for helping make this single possible.